• Custom Information Systems
  • Computer-to-Computer Interfaces: HL7, serial, TCP/IP
  • Clinical Information Systems
  • Data Presentation: XML,HTML,PHP,PDF,PostScript
  • Data Processing & Migration: SQL, MySQL, SQLServer

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M+H Consulting, LLC is an information systems consulting firm specializing in health care-oriented systems and data presentation.

Our consulting services center on providing computer interfacing and custom information systems. To migrate customers' data out of legacy systems, we provide data conversion services. To allow our customers to bill electronically, we build custom Electronic Data Interchange software. We also have decades of experience in the terribly unhip but vitally important field of data processing.

As cyber security grows ever more important to almost every device-related endeavor, we lean ever more heavily on our on-going relationship with John Sebes, an expert whose current focus is in the election domain. For more information about John Sebes, visit this site.

For a selection of our projects written up as brief case studies, please visit our case studies page.

Our typical engagements include an interface to a data source, a database or use of an existing database, an expert user interface and a suite of custom reports.


In order to avoid confusion in our customers and keep focus internally, we have spun off our DRG software & services into a separate unit, DRGGroupers.net.


We have a brief Company History on-line, in case you want to know a little about M+H as a company.

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